Apply for a Fellowship

Welcome to the application submission page. Our application portal is CURRENTLY CLOSED. We’re looking forward to reviewing your materials and getting to know you through your candidacy.

  Please ensure that you have ALL components of your application ready and accessible before you begin. You will NOT be able to save and continue later. Your application consists of materials submitted directly by you, plus the name(s) of the person(s) who will submit, separately, a recommendation on your behalf.

A complete application includes the following, submitted by you:

  • Online Application Form* (accessed below), which allows you to attach…
  • Current CV or resume – PDF only
  • Unofficial transcript(s) – PDF only
  • Academic writing sample (1 only please) – PDF only
  • Personal statement of no more than 250 words – PDF only. This statement should explain your motivation for applying and may be used to provide additional context that you deem critical for a fair evaluation of your application.

* Note: The application form asks for the name of each person writing a recommendation (see requirement just below). Please have these accessible before you launch the form.

Additionally, you are required to obtain:

  • Recommendation(s) – at least one letter of recommendation is required

Recommendations must be on official letterhead and sent directly to us by the recommender, using the following email address: apply “at” phdexcellence “dot” org

For ease of compiling your application, it is helpful to have your name included in the subject heading of the recommender’s email. Please plan ahead and give your recommenders adequate time to write/submit a letter on or before our application deadline.

The deadline for applications for 2025 has passed. Applications are now CLOSED.

Ready for Excellence?

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